I'd forward that email to the police.
new one
JoinedPosts by new one
I got sick message from my brother :/
by Kaiser inat first i must apologize my english, im not native speaker.. .
during the last two years i ve been studying without watchtower publications and it really opened my eyes.. i think i made a mistake to tell my findings about the "truth" to my brother.. here s the translation of email i got from him.... .
"howdyhau you gay*****, i have confessed all my sins and im trying to get rid of them.
What do apostates really want?
by Mr Facts ini'm just wondering what the whole apostate propaganda is all about?.
do you think you can do some sort of justice to the wt for the pains they have caused you?, what actualy are your motives?.
i dont get it.
new one
Mr Facts - I was a 'study' until I read various threads on this forum and also the articles on JWFacts. What I read was truely eye opening and saved me from being trapped in a publishing companies grasps, I also directed my mom and uncle to this forum who also ceased studying with the Jw's. So that's 3 people who didn't enter the watchtower due to reading the stories of the lovely, genuine people on this forum. I know 3 people doesn't sound a lot but from what I can gather my story is common world wide and not just with 'studies' but also with full fledged Jw's all thanks to the great people on this forum and the many other sites exposing the watchtower for what it really is :)
by new one ini just wanted to ask a question as regards jw baptism.
i already know that just before the actual baptism the soon to be jw has to answer 2 questions, but what i'd like to know is this: during the actual baptism do the jw's stick to matt 28:19 "baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit" ?.
thanks in advance for any help.. i'd also like to know if it would be possible to speak privatly with one of the more experianced members.
new one
JWB I've got a hundred questions I want to ask him lol. The thing is at the moment he seems more than willing to come round and answer any questions I have, he even knows I'm researhing online and using various comentries to help with me with our discussions. I bought up genasis 18 when God visited Abraham as 3 men and he seemed to answer it well, in short he said they were angels representing god and not god himself.
by new one ini just wanted to ask a question as regards jw baptism.
i already know that just before the actual baptism the soon to be jw has to answer 2 questions, but what i'd like to know is this: during the actual baptism do the jw's stick to matt 28:19 "baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit" ?.
thanks in advance for any help.. i'd also like to know if it would be possible to speak privatly with one of the more experianced members.
new one
Hi Ucantnome,
If you don't mind me asking what did the theologian have to say on the subject?
by new one ini just wanted to ask a question as regards jw baptism.
i already know that just before the actual baptism the soon to be jw has to answer 2 questions, but what i'd like to know is this: during the actual baptism do the jw's stick to matt 28:19 "baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit" ?.
thanks in advance for any help.. i'd also like to know if it would be possible to speak privatly with one of the more experianced members.
new one
Thank you all for the responses. When my old study conductor came round the other day I had a few questions as regards the divinty of Christ, I'd boomarked scriptures on my phone that pointed toward christ being divine and I pointed a number of them out to him, I wont reel them all off as I'm sure that you're all more than familar with the subject lol.
The first scripture was Isaiah 9:6 Which I ponted out directly called Jesus - Mighty God and Everlasting father, The Jw said he had no problem with Jesus being called Mighty God as even some of the prophets where called Gods at some point and being Called a God wasn't like being called God. As for everlasting father hE said Jesus is everlasting but that doesn't mean he always was as he did have a begining I think He atributed the father part to Jesus being the first to be raised from the dead but I can't be sure as I had lots running through my head in this conversation.
Then I mention John 8:58 which he kinda mutterd was a mistranslation a quickly moved along. Anyway the conversation went back and forth like that for around 40 minuets And ended with me exaplaing that the trinty he'd taught me about whilst I was studying was actually modalism and that the real explanation of the trinity actually made sesnse to me and by just reading the bible alone the idea of the trinty actually jumps out at the reader.
So he asked me to look up the various words for 'Lord' and 'God' in both Hebrew and Greek and said he'll come back next week for another discussion, I'm not going to research what he asked me to as I've got a lot of questions and I feel by him giving me homework he's actually trying to lead the conversations and therefore bypassing my concerns. Now I'm not engaging in these discussions with the Jw so I can attack his faith in anyway, I really do just have a lot of questions and if he can make sense of these question I'd be more than happy to study.
I've explained that I feel since I gave up my bible studies with him I have learnt more about the bible by using commentaries and the things I'd learnt where straight out the Bible and all made sense.
Anyway my main concerns as regards the watctower are :
The trinity.
and to be honest the fact that they cant just go door to door using the bible.
So I intend to have discussions over the coming weeks on all the above subjects continuing with the trinty on Wednesday and If anyone could help me out as regards prooving that Jesus was God the son I'd be greatfull.
Sorry I've gone ot and thanks for reading.
by new one ini just wanted to ask a question as regards jw baptism.
i already know that just before the actual baptism the soon to be jw has to answer 2 questions, but what i'd like to know is this: during the actual baptism do the jw's stick to matt 28:19 "baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit" ?.
thanks in advance for any help.. i'd also like to know if it would be possible to speak privatly with one of the more experianced members.
new one
If it's true that Jw's dont get baptised as instructed by Jesus, then thats the end of my duscussions with my old study conductor. I know in the gander scheme of things it might sound trivial, but it's really been bugging me.
by new one ini just wanted to ask a question as regards jw baptism.
i already know that just before the actual baptism the soon to be jw has to answer 2 questions, but what i'd like to know is this: during the actual baptism do the jw's stick to matt 28:19 "baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit" ?.
thanks in advance for any help.. i'd also like to know if it would be possible to speak privatly with one of the more experianced members.
new one
So at the moment their dunked the baptizer says 'I baptise you in the name of the father, son and Gods spirit directed oranisation?
Thanks for the replys so far : )
by new one ini just wanted to ask a question as regards jw baptism.
i already know that just before the actual baptism the soon to be jw has to answer 2 questions, but what i'd like to know is this: during the actual baptism do the jw's stick to matt 28:19 "baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit" ?.
thanks in advance for any help.. i'd also like to know if it would be possible to speak privatly with one of the more experianced members.
new one
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to ask a question as regards Jw baptism. I already know that just before the actual baptism the soon to be Jw has to answer 2 questions, but what I'd like to know is this: During the actual baptism do the Jw's stick to Matt 28:19 "baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I'd also like to know if it would be possible to speak privatly with one of the more experianced members. I've recently being having discussions with my old study conductor and there's a few things I need some help with, I can't put to much about that on here just incase.
Bibles that Translate The Father as Allah
by new one ini just came accross this article and thought i'd share..
Do you want the Real Truth?
by maisha inthe watchtower and other religions are all justplaying with your minds and donations and time.. preparing you for an agenda that only the elete few in positions not known to you actually know about!...
watch this and discover what is really going on if you dare.... but be warned it may change your thinking and take you on a journey of truth seeking..... this 5 hours may change your life!.
<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wydbdcgnhcu?version=3&hl=en_us"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wydbdcgnhcu?version=3&hl=en_us" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>.